Store name: *

Store URL: *

Your full name: *

Contact email address: *

In which country is this store based? *

Which hosting company does this store use? *

Which business vertical does this store fall under? *

Does this store integrate with a point of sale system (POS)? *

What is your background / career history? What were you up to before this?

In which year was this business / store launched? *

How did this business get started? (please be as descriptive as possible). *

How did you or the business owner decide which products to sell? *

Tell us more about the product sold: who buys it, and how does it get to them? (e.g. product type, number of SKUs, regions, payments, shipping etc.) *

How do you find and rally customers to this store? *

What are some of your favorite business "victory" moments and sweet spots? *

Was this store running on any other eCommerce platform(s) before switching to WooCommerce? If yes, please tell us which one(s).

Who built the site? If it was you, tell us about your experience of learning WordPress and WooCommerce: *

What is your favorite feature or customization of the store? *

What do you like about WooCommerce? *

What would be your advice to people unfamiliar with WooCommerce, or even WordPress, who are wanting to set up an online store for their organization or business? *

Do you give us permission to add this site to the WooCommerce Showcase? *

Upload a hi-res image (without text or URLs overlaid) that we can use for your Customer Success Story *

Landscape format preferred – file size no larger than 5MB please.

Terms and conditions of submission: *

I agree that WooCommerce and Automattic may publish this submission, in part or in full, and may edit this submission at their own discretion – for example, for brevity or to best fit the format and style of their Customer Success Stories, Showcase, and/or marketing materials (including email, landing pages, and digital and printed media). You agree not to make any monetary or other legal claim against us for the use of the submission.

I understand that submission of this Customer Success Story and/or Showcase entry does not guarantee publication on

By submitting content and images to WooCommerce Customer Success Stories and/or the WooCommerce Showcase, you grant Automattic and WooCommerce a world-wide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, modify, adapt, and publish the content and images for the purpose of displaying, distributing, and promoting your store as an example of WooCommerce, as well as promoting WooCommerce, WordPress, and relevant extensions.